Founder I Trainer I Consultant
Graduated from the Royal Conservatory, one of the top 3 conservatories in the world. Okan Yahsi, was deemed worthy of an honorary degree as a result of his field studies and theses with disadvantaged communities on the impact of art on social benefit.
Since his graduation in 2008, he has been interested in art; It uses the power of awareness, development, change and healing as a tool. It is created by blending different art forms, art therapy, creative drama and theater of the oppressed methods.arts based learning"applies the methodology.
He is invited as a trainer and speaker to many national and international seminars and congresses, provides training in domestic and international projects of important non-governmental organizations, and provides training to Turkey's large companies (Ülker, DoÄŸuÅŸ Oto, Digiturk, Toksöz Grup, Kagider, etc.). Provides in-company training.
He also teaches "Science & Art" and "Art Based Learning" courses at Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy.
Especially; Communication, Empathy, Consensus, Teamwork, Conflict Management, Creative Solution Generation and Leadership are the main subjects he trains.

After completing her undergraduate education, Esra Karlıova Soysal was entitled to receive a master's degree in communication and the title of "Doctor" (Ph.D.) in the field of digital diplomacy in 2022.
He successfully completed the European Commission Salto Trainer Training program in 2012. Since 2010, he has undertaken teaching and project consultancy duties in national and international institutions such as local governments, the United Nations, and the Turkish National Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey.
Between 2013-2016, she carried out the Volunteer Program in the Human Resources Department at Expo 2016 Antalya, Turkey's largest international project. Between 2016 and 2017, she worked as a consultant in the EU Human Resources Development Program Vocational Training Project; Between 2018 and 2020, he worked as a manager responsible for training, recruitment and performance evaluation processes in one of Turkey's largest hotel groups. He also taught international marketing as a guest lecturer at Akdeniz University Finike Vocational School for a period.
Esra Karlıova Soysal continues to provide consultancy on training program design, training and professional coaching (ACTP), as well as recruitment processes, talent and performance management.
Particularly Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Conflict Transformation, Intercultural Dialogue, Mediation, Volunteer Management, Project and Resource Management are the main training subjects she provides.
Trainer I Consultant I Coach